What Others Have To Say About Us
Looks like what the bike was designed for. Ordered Saturday arrived Monday!
Looks and sounds a lot better than the standard exhaust, a quality product.
Thanks for wonderful exhaust I think it's the best exhaust in the market for this price.
I got my F1r exhaust and installed it. How to put this... IT'S F@@KING AWESOME!!! The sound is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thanks!!!
Love the new exhaust sound and I think it looks the dogs nuts.
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I'd just like to say thanks for the new exhaust. It's the second Fuel exhaust I've purchased, the last one did over 30,000 miles on a Fazer 600 that lived outside and was ridden all year round. I've now got a Fazer 1000. The standard exhaust is huge, it must weigh twice as much as the Fuel one, and yours looks & sounds ten times better.