I Finally Bought A Fuel Exhaust for my Motorbike!
I Finally Bought A Fuel Exhaust!
A long-time friend of ours dropped by for a brew the other day. Richard Sharp is a local biker, traveller, and author of ‘This Must Be The Place’ – a great tale of motorcycle adventure which you can get on Amazon. He’s also, at long last, fitted a Fuel Exhaust to his 2016 BMW R1200GS, and here’s what he told us about the experience of getting one:
Yes, I like accessories!
Part of the fun of being a biker, aside of the riding of course, is kitting your machine out with shiny accessories.
So I’ve got the luggage, I’ve got the engine bars, I’ve got one of those cooling seat covers, I’ve got fender extenders, a battery optimiser, a decent satnav, and a headlamp grille (because have you seen the price of those lights!).
All good practical stuff, no unnecessary bling for me. Well, that’s what I tell myself anyway.
But there’s one thing I’ve resisted until recently, and that’s an aftermarket motorcycle exhaust.
I defied temptation.
Sure, I’ve read all about how they sound awesome and they save a load of weight, how they enhance the look of the machine and even add a touch of extra performance. But did I really need one? Really?
I knew I wanted one, but I held out for several years telling myself that ‘want’ and ‘need’ are two different things, and the bike’s already got a perfectly good stock exhaust on it, and it’s another few hundred quid to justify to my dearly beloved. Yeah, all that sensible stuff you tell yourself, knowing full well you’re going to ignore it one day.
But then two things happened. First, I was sitting outside a café when I heard a bike approaching and making the most delicious sound I’ve ever heard. As it came past, I could see the Fuel logo on the amazing looking aftermarket exhaust which was pumping out that noise.
Second, Fuel launched their new Stealth range of aftermarket motorcycle exhausts.
Then I took the plunge.
One look at that thing, and that was me hooked. I was straight on the phone and, just as they promised, a couple of days later the box was in my hands.
Next morning I cleared some space on the workbench, got a brew organised, and started unpacking. Wow! They say these things are quality British manufacturing at its very best, and let me tell you – they aren’t exaggerating. It’s gorgeous. Beautifully engineered and built with care and attention to every detail. Even the hanging bracket with the bike model laser cut into it, I love little touches like that.
Ok, everything that’s supposed to be here is here, and the instructions make it all sound suspiciously simple, so let’s see if it really is as easy to fit as they claim.
The original can took a bit of grunt to get loose, but hey it’s been busy seizing itself together for six years, so I can’t complain. Tell you what though – it’s only when it comes free that you realise just how heavy the damn thing is! My new Stealth Exhaust is featherweight by comparison, so the bit about weight saving really is significant.
A smear of silicone, a couple of bolts, a touch of lining up, and then tighten the nuts. That’s it. I can’t believe it. That was so straightforward. And the reason is obvious – everything just fits, and it fits perfectly. This kit has obviously been manufactured to incredibly precise tolerances, so every part of it lines up perfectly, bolts just slot into place, brackets are exactly right; it’s a real pleasure to work with this kind of stuff.
And I’m glad I did.
Now it’s the moment of truth. Fire it up. Oh yes, just listen to that! You might have seen videos of these amazing aftermarket exhausts, but let me tell you straight – they don’t even come close to showing off what these beasts really sound like, nowhere near!
I’ve gone for the ceramic black finish, plus the optional ceramic black link pipe, and it looks just as good as it sounds. I’m seriously chuffed with this thing, and once you get out on the road it gets even better. The brutal roar as you wind on the gas, the deep boom and burble as you ease back off, and the throaty but unobtrusive rumble as you cruise at steady speed – everything is perfect.
Am I glad I finally took the plunge? I think you can guess the answer to that…