FREE Stuff From Fuel Exhausts
Posted in Fuel News, Promotions
Last week, an hour into a trip up to Scotland and already soaked through, I decided once and for all to sort that problem when your gloves are wet and you can’t get the damned things back on because the lining’s pulled out and the fingers won’t go back in.
So we pulled into a bike dealership that we knew had free coffee, and within ten minutes the fabulously knowledgeable and helpful sales lady had relieved me of the thick end of a hundred quid in return a pair of proper bobby dazzlers that really do just slip straight on with no cursing and swearing and squashed fingers.
Pick your words carefully
I realised my wallet was still in the top box. “No worries” she said “Just finish your brew and come and sort me out when you’re ready”. I raised an eyebrow, and she went bright red.
It’s not often you get an offer of that kind of freebie when you buy a bit of bike kit, that’s for sure!
To be honest, it’s not often you get anything free at all these days.
Except when you buy a superb new aftermarket motorcycle exhaust from Fuel Exhausts, that is. You see, we really do appreciate your business. We know you have other choices, and when you look around and decide that a Fuel Exhaust is the one for you, we like to say thank you.
That’s why, when your gorgeous new British-made exhaust arrives, you’ll also find some great gifts in the box from us.
There’s nothing that gives a quick energy hit quite like a bar of Kendal Mint Cake, perfect for those long hard rides when you’re starting to flag a bit and need a boost to keep you sharp and focussed. Kendal Mint Cake is made in the same town as Fuel Exhausts, and it’s famous the world over for its deliciously sweet minty taste and its ability to keep you going. No wonder it’s the snack of choice for countless Everest expeditions! So we hope you’ll enjoy the special complimentary bar of Fuel Exhausts branded Kendal Mint Cake that you’ll find packed with each and every aftermarket motorbike exhaust that we supply.
But that’s not all
Bikers need buffs, everyone knows that, and we’ve all got a good selection of worn out and smelly buffs lying around the garage! So to go with your new exhaust, we think it’s only right you should have a nice new buff too, and you’ll find a great looking Fuel buff in the box that you can wear as a neck warmer, mask, scarf, beanie, or any other way you want to fold it up and tie it in knots.
Our super cool design incorporates our exclusive Life Behind Bars logo too, apt when out on the bike!
And it’s not a cheapo gimmick either – our buffs are made of quality microfibre fabric so they have really good wind resistance along with being soft and comfortable to wear, and they’ll stand up to plenty of machine washing too.
And finally, if these great free gifts make you want to shout about Fuel Exhausts even more, then you’ll also find a super smart Fuel sticker at the bottom of the box so you can let the world know that you’re the kind of discerning rider who chooses quality British kit for your pride and joy!
Thank you!
NB: These are the free gifts supplied at the time when the article was written - 2017 - items may change.